Compute quality index from confusion matrix

Compute different quality index (OA, Kappa and F1) directly from confusion matrix.

Import librairies

import numpy as np
from museotoolbox.stats import zonal_stats
from museotoolbox.datasets import load_historical_data

Load dataset

raster,vector = load_historical_data()

Compute mean and variance per polygon

mean,var = zonal_stats(raster,vector,'uniquefid',stats=['mean','var'])


(17, 3)

Show mean value

print('For polygon 1 : ')
for band_idx,band in enumerate(['blue','green','red']):
    print('Mean value in {} band is : {}'.format(band,mean[0,band_idx]))


For polygon 1 :
Mean value in blue band is : 117.72113436866982
Mean value in green band is : 109.81769074949358
Mean value in red band is : 79.69952734638757

Show variance value

print('For polygon 1 : ')
for band_idx,band in enumerate(['blue','green','red']):
    print('Variance value in {} band is : {}'.format(band,var[0,band_idx]))


For polygon 1 :
Variance value in blue band is : 1303.9553197125313
Variance value in green band is : 1253.072772790252
Variance value in red band is : 1011.7105264477675

You can put in stats, every numpy function

For example here : mean, median, max, min

mean,median,amax,amin = zonal_stats(raster,vector,'uniquefid',stats=['mean','median','max','min'])

print('For polygon 1 : ')
for band_idx,band in enumerate(['blue','green','red']):
    print('Min value in {} band is : {}'.format(band,amin[0,band_idx]))
    print('Max value in {} band is : {}'.format(band,amax[0,band_idx]))


For polygon 1 :
Min value in blue band is : 32.0
Max value in blue band is : 196.0
Min value in green band is : 24.0
Max value in green band is : 187.0
Min value in red band is : 1.0
Max value in red band is : 155.0

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.079 seconds)

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